Mar 9, 2008

Am I crazy? No, don't really answer this please. Everyone who knows me knows things get a little crazy for me at times. So now that I have 4 children how does one manage it all? Now that we have found our new "normal" after baby #4 life seems busier than ever. With Jer working 2nd shift and mom running the show at night, 2 kids in school, the kids activities, cub scouts, gymnastics, etc, these days sometimes seem to fly right by. Right now it seems we are amidst this never-ending winter nightmare. We are so blessed to have our children (and now a healthy baby-I think we are over the hump) and our education. Is it bad that I work in the middle of the night so I can be home with the kids the rest of the day? Will I die young due to lack of sleep? Why do I struggle with working so much? At the end of some days as I lay in bed exhausted knowing I will be getting up in 4 hours for work but realizing the kids and hubby are happy. I guess I am crazy knowing I will repeat this same agenda a few more days this week. Good night for now for a few hours anyway.


Frisbies Forever said...

You are not crazy. Just busy. Make sure you still keep a little time for you though! I love ya! Sleep deprivation is not a good thing though. It will make you crabby. I know. I lived your life for quite a few years. It is so hard. I feel for you.

Unknown said...

I can definately appreciate what you mean. Working nights has its benefits, as does days. We just know that we do everything for the good of our sweet children and they'll grow up to be great people because of it. Don't they say sleep is overrated anyway?!?! It's tough, sleep deprivaton is not pleasant but the time with our kids is!!

Kelly O.

Krista said...

You are my hero! Not many moms can do what you do!
After all you do for the sick and dying, you still come home to your family WANTING to spend time with them. Some people do not Want anything but time for themselves after work. I think what you are going thru is necessary and I think that the Lord has blessed you to be able to handle it.
Rock on girl!

Mike & Mandy said...

This I can TOTALLY relate to! Mike also works second shift and, as you know, I must work outside the home as well. Many times I have been up in the middle of the night and had to present infront of a room full of peers the next day. All I can think of in those times is, "Why can't this be easier?" Being the great Mom you are, you make sure everything is taken care of even if it means you sacrifice sleep, or nights out, etc. I know that it will get easier. There are always blessings just around the corner. And when it seems like you need to talk, always know I am hear to listen! (Now go relax! :)