Just a quick note. 2 things. Frustration and Gratefulness. Do these two words really go together? Many of you may know that we have really struggled with our youngest 2 children's health this year. Can I just tell you we (Jer and I) hate it. I wish it was me going through this instead of them. I hate watching their pain as they go through it. How do you tell them another test means another IV, another catheter, another traumatizing experience? How do you prepare a 3 yr old for this? Please pray for us as we go to Iowa City on Fri for more tests and hopefully a fix for Kate's kidney reflux and to prevent any more hospitalizations. I know things could be so much worse and there are so many illnesses and problems out there. We want our cute bouncing blondie back to normal for good. On the other hand - Grateful. So grateful for a new job, so grateful for their understanding of the trials, and so grateful for wonderful friends and family who care and help us sooo much. For example, my friend who came over on short notice Tues - to watch 4 children on top of her 3 - AND then brought and cooked us dinner. Seriously! Thanks CH! Blessed by family for covering all the babysitting while Jer and I overlap shifts. Whew! What a job. Grateful that things are not any worse.