Apr 1, 2009

This was my project last week. I recovered these chairs. I had always wanted to do this because they were so gross and stained when we inherited them from my dad but didn't know how. I got sick enough of them that I just decided to try. I found fabric that I loved and then put vinyl over that to prevent more stains from my kidlets. And this is how it turned out. I love them and even Jer got in on it. And thanks Patty for suddenly helping - I know how much you wanted to do it! Not bad, huh?


the freestone6 said...

they look great! Good job.

Frisbies Forever said...

What a fabulous idea! I never thought of vinyl! DUH! *smacking forhead* Now I know how to fix mine again after they were recovered twice.

Hartson family said...

Those look great! And now they'll stay looking great!