Mar 6, 2010

Wow! New computer finally. We have been without for quite a few months and the first thing I am doing now that it is set up is to UPDATE MY BLOG. Just a quick rundown as to what has happened since my last post.

Me - Had a great girls weekend getaway in September. One I won't soon forget. Knitting now along with crocheting and beginning to sell some patterns. Made flowers for a wedding. Decided to work weekends for a time after much prayer and worry about missing church. Things are beginning to look brighter financially for us.

Jer - I don't know. Took a taser class and now has to teach all the others how to totally nearly kill someone if they don't do what the officer says to do. Works very hard and takes good care of us.

Jared - Started junior high AND football (he is #88). What a combo. Lost lots of weight playing ball - not that he needed to so much but just was in the football zone. After lots of tears we decided not to allow Sun games. His league team the Bucs went undefeated. Mom is so not ready for that junior high age and worried all summer about 6th grade. But so far (it is now March) he has made the honor roll all year, not gotten into any trouble, and manages to get up every morning and shower. Can't complain too badly but we definately have hormones kicking in and we are not sure about these yet.

Jayden - Still doing gymnastics, loves to read, and is good looking out for others. Is a great help to her mom. Sometimes too much so and I have had to yell at her at times because she wants to do so much. I tell her she will have plenty of time to be a mom and to let me do it for now. Recently entered a photo contest and took these all by herself and is writing a 1000 word essay to go along. We'll let you know how she does.

Kate - We could write a book with many chapters on the kidney and bladder trouble she has had but finally 2 days before Thanksgiving her surgery finally was done. After trying multiple procedures (Deflux, bladder training, meds) failed and finding out her reflux was actually worse and on both sides along with outer pole kidney damage, the decision was made to reimplant the ureters and fix a birth defect. So much stress of waiting and then it was done, we went home the next day and it has been hard to keep her down. Now to get rid of the 6 meds she takes daily.

Bubbie - What can I say. Funny mostly. Big boss. Moody. Cute. Rotten. Loves anyone who gives him his way, LOVES pop and trains. Totally nothing like anything I have raised thus far. Is over 3 ft tall at age 2 and just under 27#. Off the charts for height. Silly boy.

Scarlet - Our (MY) beloved dog went to puppy heaven in Nov. I don't cry much but blubbered like an idiot with the girls while Jared watched us with a strange look on his face. I thought she was passing in her favorite spot so called Jer at work and made him come get her. It was so sad to have both of us haul her into the back of the cop car (she was unable). She made it into the vet and collapsed but didn't pass. That's all I can bear to know. Sad thing is is that J won't let me get another. I know I have my hands full at home but oh how I have learned to love labs. Someday I just may bring another dog home just like how I got her. Wonder how that will go over.


Frisbies Forever said...

Your family is growing up so fast! Wow! I am so sorry about your dog! That is so hard! We love you guys and miss you! All the sister activities look like a blast. I hope we can move back soon.

meghan said...

WOo Hoo an update from the Jolleys!! Glad you got a new computer!