May 17, 2010

Just to catch all of your attention everyone! I got a new puppy for Mother's Day/birthday/Christmas/rest of the year gift. I'm not sure what I am more excited about - that Jer caved and let me get a dog or the fact that I actually have a dog. Either way I am very happy about both. She is a Basenji and we named her Britt. We got her from the pound and she had been a stray. It was just like bringing home one of our children - we discussed names, where to sleep, how to discipline. She is so easily trainable and had to either been someones great pet or is just smart. Christian laughs at her all day, she has taken a liking to Jared, Jay and Kate could care less. But as for me, of course, I am in love with my new baby.


meghan said...

what a sweet new addition. congrats nik.

Stacy said...

I hear they are allergy friendly! I'll have to try the boys out around her!! :O)